Written by Jeffrey Pax
Illustrated by Robert Lenz
Translated by Heidie Decker
Great for teachers, parents, day care providers, church programs, summer programs, after school programs, etc.
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The Rules is the how-to manual of good behavior in the form of a picture book. Teachers will love using this book throughout the year to jumpstart/reinforce the conversation about rules and appropriate behavior. Parents will love using it as a guidebook to prepare their young children to start school and other programs.
It tells them what to expect, and what will be expected of them, in this strange new place. Students will love seeing all the examples of bad behavior. By the time the right way to do things comes along, they will be fully engaged, every time. After years of teaching special education and pre-kindergarten, I have distilled my classroom rules to their purist forms. These rules can be used in any class with young children, and adapted by individual teachers as needed. “Is that kind?” can replace the often used and seldom effective “Stop that! Why are you doing that? Just be good!”
Rules often come off as harsh and inherently negative. In this book, the rules are not coupled with threats, punishment, anger, or judgement, and there is no enforcer or authority to rebel against. The Rules is a student-centered book. It is about students choosing to be kind in pursuit of positive outcomes, and to avoid the chaos and misery that naturally stem from selfish behavior. In my experience, most children will choose to be good, when they know how. This is the early childhood education guide book of good behavior. The worst and most common mistake made by anyone starting out in early child care is the failure to establish rules and expectations immediately. The Rules will be invaluable to new teachers, day care employees, etc. as they work to get a handle on disruptive behavior. Veterans in early child care and education will appreciate that a picture book has finally come along to make the conversation suddenly so simple. |
The Rules In Action
with Angel Smith, ESL Teacher of the Year
Testimonials and Reviews
Gigi, there's one that's the same color as me!
I love this so much. I can see this being very effective and read over and over again! You nailed it with accurate situations that occur at the beginning of the school year. Your classroom “problems” are solved with easily understood solutions.
Pre Kindergarten Teacher
The Rules is a positive, collaborative, school wide approach to teaching the critical life skill of getting along with others. This is a key component that leads to children growing up to have happy and productive lives. The coordinating posters and signs are the icing on the cake! If this had been available when I was working with children I would have implemented it into every aspect of our curriculum. What a great idea!
-Carol, B.S., MAT
Special Education Teacher Consultant
I liked how the author reiterates being kind throughout the book but breaks it down into objective actions to help kids kind of understand what is and what is not kind.
Illustrations are very colorful which keeps kids attention.
-Dr. Dan, EdD
... my three year old asks to read The Rules every night and has started using the phrase, "Can I please use that when you are done?" at his daycare and shocked the the teachers.
I love this so much. I can see this being very effective and read over and over again! You nailed it with accurate situations that occur at the beginning of the school year. Your classroom “problems” are solved with easily understood solutions.
Pre Kindergarten Teacher
The Rules is a positive, collaborative, school wide approach to teaching the critical life skill of getting along with others. This is a key component that leads to children growing up to have happy and productive lives. The coordinating posters and signs are the icing on the cake! If this had been available when I was working with children I would have implemented it into every aspect of our curriculum. What a great idea!
-Carol, B.S., MAT
Special Education Teacher Consultant
I liked how the author reiterates being kind throughout the book but breaks it down into objective actions to help kids kind of understand what is and what is not kind.
Illustrations are very colorful which keeps kids attention.
-Dr. Dan, EdD
... my three year old asks to read The Rules every night and has started using the phrase, "Can I please use that when you are done?" at his daycare and shocked the the teachers.