Preorder before the visit.
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Learn more about The Rules.
Schedule an author visit.
You can prepay electronically and your books will be delivered to your child's teacher on the day of the visit.
The book comes in English, Spanish, and dual language.
You will be paying JSY Venture Properties LLC.
For verification, the last four digits of the phone number are 5511.
Please include in the payment description your language choice as well as the name of the school, child, and teacher.
The book comes in English, Spanish, and dual language.
You will be paying JSY Venture Properties LLC.
For verification, the last four digits of the phone number are 5511.
Please include in the payment description your language choice as well as the name of the school, child, and teacher.
Contact me to schedule a free author visit to your class, daycare, church, etc.
I live in Savannah, GA and can travel.
I live in Savannah, GA and can travel.
What does a visit entail?
For this age group, 1st grade and below, I like to keep it simple. Rather than doing a disruptive whole group event, taking over the gym and interfering with specials and recess, I go room to room, visiting each class individually. I've taught special ed pre-K and middle school self contained programs, so the teachers can pretty much relax for the 20 minutes I'm there. I introduce myself and talk about the roles of authors, illustrators, and translators. Then I read the book, teaching positive behavior based on kindness. Lastly, and with the teachers' individual approval, I lead the class in a simple art activity. We talk about kindness and the rules at school and home. The kids choose a rule or act of kindness, and draw themselves portraying that positive behavior. This helps them apply lessons from the book to daily life, and take ownership of their behavior choices. All it takes is one piece of paper per student, and some crayons. The visit is completely free for the school. I handle all payments for staff and students who purchase a book, and I can comply with any specific school policies regarding accepting payments. The flyer should be sent home with students about a week prior to the visit. For Chatham County Schools, I'm already registered with the VISTA volunteer system, so all it takes is school principal approval to authorize the visit. |